Frankelio, and Frankster will both contest the, and Maison D'Or is declared for the, all three would not be inconvenienced if it were to rain before Friday afternoon.
Frankelio will carry top weight on his return to Pontefract, over the course and distance he was successful at back in June. This race represents a drop in grade, and he once again has been lucky with the draw, plus he is only 2lb higher than when he won,but he wouldn't want the ground to be too firm, as that contributed to his defeat at Ripon last time, Graham Lee retains the ride.
Frankster has also been declared for the, with Billy Garritty taking off a very handy 5lb. Frankster tends to reserve his best for this track, and it will be his 14th race at Pontefract,from 25 career starts.The handicapper has dropped him a further 2lb to 53, giving him a career low mark. He can be excused his last run at Thirsk, as he always needs a run to put him straight, but like his stablemate Frankelio, any rain would be a big help.
Maison D'Or is our representative in the stayers race at, he runs off a very attractive looking mark of only 48, even so he is 3lb out of the weights. Maison D'Or ran better than his final placing of forth suggests, last time out at Catterick, as he couldn't go the pace when they quickened, but he was staying on again at the finish, suggesting that a course like Pontefract will be more suitable for him. Graham Lee will once again be in the saddle, but he too could use some rain.