On his penultimate start The Rutland Rebel finished a solid third at Pontefract off a mark of 72, and when you compare that to his current hurdles mark of just 84 you can see how well handicapped he is over jumps, but in six previous tries over the timber he has failed to be placed. Not all horses take to hurdling but with such a well handicapped horse there is no choice but to give it another go. The ground is a very important factor as The Rutland Rebel wants a sound surface so the good to soft, good in places going at the time of writing is not ideal. The race is at Perth on Wednesday at 1.0.pm, and is a 0-100 handicap hurdle over two and a half miles, with Emma Smith-Chaston riding him for the first time.
To keep up to date with all the latest happenings at Oakwood Stables, Sharp Hill, and Curlew, click on 'NEWS' at www.mickyhammondracing.
Good luck to the connections, Ryder And Alex Sugden.